When cash is tight but you have a home improvement project in mind that you’ve been yearning to finish, many people resort to taking matters into their own hands. To add to this, we live in an internet age where knowledge can be diffused across the globe immediately. Coveted secrets of the trades can get out quite freely now. The average Joe can simply log onto YouTube and learn how to fix a leaky pipe or flash a chimney. While convenient, there is danger in this approach. Some things are better left to the professionals and pavers are one of them. Don’t make the mistake of getting in too deep before you realize the amount of time and resources necessary to complete a paver project. Here’s some reasons why you should leave this to Sunrise:


What is a patio anyway? It’s just a set of brick or pavers arranged in a simple repeating pattern, right? Well, not quite. There’s a lot more than meets the eye when it comes to the construction of a new patio. Various parts of the construction process are easy to mess up for ‘Do It Yourselfers’ which could have disastrous consequences in the future. For example, making sure that the installation base is level or that the spacing throughout the pattern is consistent. There’s a lot of real world experience that experts build up which won’t necessarily be conveyed through a youtube video. If you want a patio that will stand the test of time, you better leave this one up to professional.


When you undertake a new project as a complete beginner, your lack of expertise is going to cost you quite a bit of time. In fact, the lost time may just balance out the supposed savings you made by not hiring a professional. As you go deeper into the project you begin to realize how many caveats there are to the construction process and it can get a little overwhelming. One hurdle new comers encounter is the cutting of the pavers themselves. This requires tools and technical knowhow you likely wont have to make optimal and efficient cuts.


Finding the right materials is a daunting tasks. With so many to choose from, how do you know which is the appropriate for your project? Homeowners aren’t going to know how to take into account the right durability for the context as well as the aesthetics. To add to this, though there is a wide array of styles and materials, much of it is not sold at the big box stores. As a homeowner, you’ll have difficulty sourcing quality materials in a sufficient variety to satisfy your project requirements.


Besides the aforementioned time sink a DIY patio project can be, the sheer accumulation of mistakes and unanticipated expenses may add up to push the budget over the edge as well. In the end hiring a professional can even save you money vs doing it yourself! A decent installer has had years of experience under his belt and knows the pitfalls of the business.


How long do you plan on living at your residence? Some homeowners think short term, not for generations ahead. A DIY project may be good to enjoy for a few years before repairs need to be made, but a professional should be able to build a patio you can pass on to your children. That kind of quality workmanship isn’t easily achieved by the homeowner.

We’d strongly encourage you to refrain from building your own patio, and not just because we would like to do it. We’ve seen many repair jobs necessitated because the homeowner rushed to complete it themselves, costing them much more money then they anticipated. Have a look at the rest of our site and consider hiring Sunrise Pavers for your next big patio project.

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